Walking Meditation for Anxiety

Welcome to this walking meditation - a 15-minute guided meditation for anxiety and stress with 28 bonus minutes of calm, soothing music afterwards. This is a walking meditation to teach your mind and body how to easily let of anxiety and stress while walking with your eyes open.

Embedded in this video are brain entrainment and quantum healing frequencies to quickly and easily bring stress relief for your mind, body, heart and soul.

As you walk during this guided meditation, your subconscious will clear and release blockages to greater peace, flow and ease. With every step, this hypnosis file will carry you forward to greater wholeness and expansion into your true self.

Listen to this anxiety and stress walking meditation anytime you walk or even throughout your day. Regular listening to this guided meditation will amplify these empowering suggestions, to greater ease, peace and relaxation.


Walking Meditation for Confidence


Walking Meditation for Sleep